Runescape Reaper Helmet Reward Suggested


We are suggesting a new reward from Death, Reaper Helmet since we haven't unlocked what we want from it in RS Gold . Do you want to see new drops?

Soul Reaper, or Boss slayer has been out for just over a year and it's many players favorite daily D&D. Who wouldn't love slayer mixed with bossing? The Reaper Helmet is a new, expensive but rewarding unlock from Death.

For 700-1000 reaper points, a player can unlock the ability to upgrade a Mighty Slayer helmet to a Reaper helmet or a boss slayer helmet. This helmet would effectively be a dual purpose helmet, functioning as a Mighty slayer helmet on slayer tasks and a new All-type helmet for reaper tasks, providing a 7.5% accuracy and damage boost against your reaper task.

If you have a slayer task and a reaper task that are the same the Mighty slayer helmet buff taks precedence over the Reaper helmet buff.

After unlocking it the ability to craft the helmet, you will need to insert a Grim gem into a hydrix, just like an onyx, to make a Grim Hydrix gem. Then you will cut it and craft it into a grim amulet, which will be charged using the onyx enchant and then added on to your mighty slayer helmet to provide its buffs. Will give a golden-red glow to the hexcrest part of the Reaper Helmet, distinguishing it from the Mighty Helmet.

Also, this will not increase the defense bonus of the helmet, as that is already in a great place. It will simply give an accuracy and damage buff on reaper tasks for those who spent time doing this D&D. It will also give trimmed comp capers something new to work for, as 700-1000 reaper points is quite the project.

You can find the idea on Runelabs called "Reaper Helm" and support it. Any suggestions can possibly be added to the ideas .
