4RSGOLD:OSRS Ironman Adventure Guide Tracker


I came aback to RuneScape in aboriginal March to adore the Ironman in OSRS and chose to get my Adventure Cape as anon as possible. I aswell absitively to do as little carbon training as possible, so continued as quests were available. It was harder to amount out anniversary and every adventure that was accessible and which quests bare to be done to do those quests. So Buy RuneScape gold, I developed this OSRS Adventure Guide Tracker and it helped me accomplish Adventure Cape in 30 canicule as an Ironman.

Below are the links to anniversary tracker. There are two versions because Ironmen do accept a few quests with added requirements.

Normal: OSRS Normal Adventure Guide Tracker

Ironman: OSRS Ironman Adventure Guide Tracker

I accept aswell fabricated a quick tutorial to the OSRS Adventure Guide Tracker which can be begin here: OSRS Adventure Guide Tracker Tutorial

If you accept any questions or input, amuse column them in the comments actuality on Reddit. Or, you can consistently arise by my beck at: Twitch.tv/CrashAx and ask questions or accommodate input.

I'll be blockage this out! :) It will absolutely advice me out if traveling for that adventure cape.

One of my next goals is questcape, so this is absolutely bookmarked!

I begin a slight aberration I think.

For some reason, the "Pre-req" box for Fremmy Isles is abased on "Y" in Fishing Contest and The Giant Dwarf, admitting the alone adventure req. Dark Runescape Gold for it should be Fremmy Trials.
