All houses are empty


Aka: Ashen Acreage 2.0!It looks admirable and the music is nice but that's it.


All houses are empty, alone bisected of the islands are abounding with agreeable (and 90% of that agreeable is just there to ample the island and accomplish it attending good).


It's rushed and unfinished, we voted for beneath updates a ages so added time would be absorb on finishing content.


And the agreeable we did get is 1 big grindfest that is worse afresh ashen farm. Abolish those absurd atone and akin atone reqs they add nothing. 'How can we abrade compers? Let's accomplish cool big-ticket upgrades!'


Also exploring islands got me hyped, but no... I charge to cut that brainless bamboo for 1 hour first. And if i wish to go aback i charge aliment too... Aback to the bamboo...


On my cheep poll 44% said 'It sucks!' (93 votes).Also this isn't eastern at all, alone that blush timberline and the dragons are eastern, added afresh that it's hawaiian, it still looks appealing but it doesn't absolutely fit.


If it stays like this it will be asleep agreeable afterwards humans got their atone capes back.


Maybe because i'm not comped yet (raids+rago kills and basic to peaches + apparatus + 30k str xp, so not abundant left), but i don't mind, that it can't be done in one anniversary to recomp. At atomic it makes me to alternation some abilities i don't decidedly like like, hunter, woodcutting and fishing.


I can accept humans accepting balked for aggravating to blitz things to get aback comp, but aback i don't affliction about that, i can blast aback and insolate around.


RS Gold on a sidenote, unless we apperceive what were the added options on your cheep poll, one ability assume, that the added 56% admired it, so it ability just accept the adverse aftereffect autograph it there.


Edit: instead of an xp buff, they could as able-bodied change the time it takes to accumulate the things on the islands. Just a few ticks beneath per ability would change the xp/h big time. Like the chicken alkali mining or the tortle allurement start-up time.
