4RSGold RS Dungeoneering Update


Responding to player’s voice, the RS Dev team has released many Dungeoneering updates this week, including high-level resource dungeon, new equipment and new pets.

1.New resource Dungeon

If you are at level 90 Dungeoneering, you can access a new dungeon on Daemonheim Penisula. The dungeon contains many Kal'gerion demons but also valuable gem rocks. Killing demons requires no Slayer level (but they can be given as level 90 Slayer task). Demons will drop things like uncut onyx and commendation scrolls that can offer you evil names of Kal’gerion bosses (one name only). Gem rocks can give you extra XP when mined and they have higher chance producing valuable gems like dragonstone.

2. New equipment

-The chaotic spear is easier to make, Zamorakian spear with ten chaotic spikes will do.

-Arcane, farsight and brawler's necklaces now have ranged and melee counterparts. They can be made by combing chaotic remnant with Saradomin's Hiss, Saradomin's Murmer or Saradomin's Whisper necklace respectively.

-Three new scrolls can be bought from traders. These scrolls will grant you passive skills as below:

Scroll of Daemonheim: 50% chance to earn 5% extra XP in Dungeoneering while skilling in a Daemonheim dungeon

Scroll of proficiency: a chance to keep planks after constructing.

Scroll of dexterity: a chance to keep items after crafting armor.

-New gold collector, a special device that get coins for you. Bear in mind if the coins exceed 1 million the device will be broken and you have to buy new one at a higher price. (Up to 60,000 tokens)

3. New Pets

You will find three new pets at the reward trader’s place. They are smaller yet cuter versions of three typical Daemonheim monsters: Frosty, Mini-Blink, Hope Nibbler. You need to finish certain things to get be allowed to have them:

To have Frosty, you must enter Frost Dragon Resource Dungeon with 85 Dungeoneering and 99 summoning.

Mini-Blink needs you to defeat himself with 95 Dungeoneering.

Hope Nibble requires you to defeat Hope Devourer with 101 Dungeoning.

To give them space, the dev team increased the capacity of player’s storage house, up to 25.
