Survey Time: Guide The Future Of RuneScape


At Jagex, we are always looking to our players for help and guidance on the future of RuneScape games, both current and upcoming. We are running a survey to ask players what RuneScape means to you, and hear about other games and activities that you spend your time on. Players who didn't receive an email invitation earlier this month now have the chance to participate.Those who complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win one of fifty $50 Amazon vouchers (or your stated country’s equivalent currency). On top of this, five lucky participants will also receive a huge 60x40 cm (23 ½”x15 ¾”) print map of Gielinor!To and contact prize winners, and validate you as a RuneScape player, we will be asking for your in-game display name/character name as it appears in chat. Please note that we can only award prizes to surveys that are completed!So, if you want to guide the future of RuneScape and win prizes, follow this link to take part!