Runescape - the Firemaker’s Curse is a choice-based quest, and your choices determine who lives or dies. While there is a path through the quest where (almost) nobody dies, any incorrect choices will not adversely affect your game experience or reward. With this in mind, we would recommend that you do not use a walkthrough.
This week's quest features Sera - the character voted for by you in our recent guaranteed content poll!
If you haven't already, be sure to take a look at our latest Lores & Histories story: 4RSGOLD to read up on the back-story of today's quest.
Leaving a Flash Powder Factory game more than two minutes early will now incur a penalty of up to 50%. Running out of catalyst powder will no longer end a game; just prevent the player from making flash powder. Finally, being trapped in a corridor for too long will no longer end the game; just teleport the player to a random corner of the arena to Buy Runescape Gold.