Below is the pla
Please let us know of any feedback about the design. We will be of course be available on the thread, reddit and Twitter but we want to make sure that you know that we're listening to feedback.
I will be posting responses to feedback and answering questions on 13th, 20th December and 3rd, 10th and 17th January to be sure to check back then. I'll update this post with a li
Mod Timbo
The RuneScape Bank is one of the most im
To that end, we want to get you involved. We want your feedback on everything that we’re proposing. This document is the first step, and we want to see your thoughts on the official threads on forums, reddit and Twitter. We will then outline the changes to this design, ba
All of the below information is what we're designing and aiming for. Not everything will make it but we wanted to share as much about the design as we can right now.
Projects aims
This is what the Bank rework is looking to achieve. These aims are created for every major project, and are usually only released internally.
• Add critical features such as bank placeholders, organisation and customisation
• Improve the usability of the bank, so that pla
• Bring existing storage and retrieval features into one central area
• Maintain the current feel of the RuneScape bank, so that it’s recognisable to existing and returning pla
• Improve the internal workings of the bank so that it can be maintained and expanded easily
Vision for the bank
When writing a design for something as large and critical to the game, it is im
A reworked RuneScape bank should have the same visual style and interaction as it does currently. New features should be implemented without adding friction to the user experience, and nothing should be added for the sake of it: everything should be building a better bank.
UI Redesign
Part of the rework includes reassessing the layout of the bank but not just for the sake of it. This does not mean a complete redesign of how the bank looks or feels. It’s im
There are many of the new features that we're looking to implement to the bank that will need to be visible the main bank screen, primarily presets, sorting features and incorporating the inventory and equipment screen. It's im
Click the image for a better look!
Feature list
These features are taken many different threads on the forums, reddit and other avenues. Thank you so much for your help in designing these. The features listed below are prioritised in collaboration with you.
Bank Placeholders
Organisation and sorting options
(Sort of) Unlimited bank tabs
Better searching via me
Updating Presets
Diango your bank
Shuffling and Bank options
Customisable cosmetic effects
Technical Improvements Corner by Mod Hunter
Bank Placeholders
The number one requested update to the bank of all-time. Most people have a very strictly arranged bank or, at the very least, have tabs for certain gear. When a pla
Bank placeholders are a simple concept, in that whenever a pla
In addition to the above, you will be able to put the same item into multiple tabs. This means that if you want to have a Woodcutting and Fletching tab, you can put the same placeholder of elder logs in both tabs.
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Organisation and sorting options
We all love to keep organised banks, whether for aesthetic or organisational purposes, but we've never given you the tools to sort it efficiently. We're planning to add auto-sorting options and some organisational tweaks to allow quick sorting of banks and some much needed customisation.
There are a huge number of different sorting options that we want to give you: automatically sorting a tab ba
We're also adding the Wise Old Man's bank cleanup as an option inside the bank itself, meaning that it should be easier and quicker for you to free up bank space. We're also going to be updating this service so that it is easier to use and includes up-to-date items.
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(Sort of) Unlimited bank tabs
While we won’t be offering unlimited bank tabs, it's pretty darn close. Someone, some will hit the limit, but we're planning to give you a far greater number of tabs.
We want to make sure that everyone can have a bank tab for every single skill in the game, for every boss-monster’s loot tabs, for cosmetic items, for essential items, for you to customise and do what you like with. The bank needs to be more flexible to accommodate the many different ways of playing RuneScape, and that is what we plan to provide.
We're making it so that bank tab icons no longer need to be the first item in the bank. You will be able to any item in the game to be your bank tab icon, even if you don’t own that item. You will even be able to choose skill icons for your tabs, for quick identification.
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Better searching via me
Searching hasn't really changed since its implementation, but we can improve on it and add features that you are used to encountering on internet search engines. We can display search results in a window that doesn't disappear when you interact with it, and we can offer clearer information on searched items.
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Updating Presets
Presets have become a staple part of the bank since their introduction in 2014 and we're looking to update them as part of the Bank Rework. We'll be performing a bunch of Ninja fixes to them, as well as a ton of behind-the-scenes reworks that will help us deliver key features.
We are in the process of seeing whether we can add more presets, as well as Beast of Burden presets, in the technical design. It’s something that we want to do, but comes with a significant technical cost.
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Diango your bank
In the not too distant past, Diango was a simple toy salesman, but recently he has held the responsibility of holding onto all reclaimable items. Travelling to Diango or his brother in Prifddinas is far a perfect system, so we're going to let you do this at your bank. If you want to do a bit of Cooking at the portable range in Lumbridge, but need to reclaim your outfit, you can now do so a bank chest.
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Shuffling and Bank options
It can be frustrating when the bank shuffles around after adding or removing an item. This has been a problem for years, but we will be giving you the option, as a part of a new suite of Bank options, to change your shuffling mode. By default, it will work as it does now: if you withdraw an item, all of the other items will shuffle up. You will, however, be able to toggle to the ‘Old-School’ version, items do not shuffle until you close the bank.
As part of this, we will be introducing a ‘Bank Edit Mode’ you will be able to customise your bank, set placeholders and do cosmetic changes to your bank without worrying about messing up your presets or accidentally withdrawing items.
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Customisable cosmetic effects
The bank is a screen that you look at often, it's a place to gear up ready for combat, a place to store all of your valuable materials and good as well as a place to train on a plethora of skills. It is for these reasons that we are adding some cosmetic features to the bank such as being able to change the colour of tabs, being able to rename tabs and much more.
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Technical Improvements Corner by Mod Hunter
With the current bank, as far as the game engine is concerned, the bank inventory is no different the regular inventory, all of the rules for how content such as bank tabs, non-bankable items and other special cases work are handled by our sc
One of the more im
One of our key development aims with the bank rework is to work directly in the game engine to provide support for all of the new features we wish to add, while completely rewriting the Runesc