RS Treasure Hunter Bonus arkut


Bonus chests are a Treasure Hunter. 0:00 (UTC Game The Static) of 6 August until 23:59 UTC 10 August, you can download them, See What's inside, then Open them twice loot regular chest!

How Bonus trunks Works?

Head to the Treasure Hunter and to open a new bonus chest NOW and claim two prism lamps.

Then each time you use the Key Open the chest to normal, you can add a free bonus in the chest. You can see what the bonus within the chest by moving the mouse Sen, Sen and content changes with each key you use.

When it reaches the Five-payments, you're free Open Sen and Sen require the Content - What is double the number of normal Treasure Hunter Award! Which includes everything - until the most sought after destinations Alice has to offer.

Note that you can download up to ten times in the chest, and the opening SE Five consume these charges. The award will continue to change, even if you continue to Keys WHEN bonus chest is full of ten charges.

If the doubled-up prize is a unique object - a piece professional outfit, for example - For two cash-out value sen place.
