The size of the Slayer helmet has been reduced on female characters to better match their usual proportions.
A typo has been fixed in Cap'n Hand's dialogue.
A typo has been fixed in Rashiliyia's tomb.
Under the hood in this update, we've got some engine changes in preparation for the iOS mobile beta that's due next week, based on the learnings the last beta round. Have a read of the recent mobile blog to see what the team's been working on. In the forthcoming beta, we'd like to try out the improved mobile handling of the bank and shops, among other things.
Watch out for invitations in your runescape.com inbox on our site Tuesday 10th April. Remember, even if you get an 'invitation' email claiming to be us, or a pop-up on Facebook, but there's no invitation in your inbox on our site, that means it's a fake. Please be careful what you click on the internet - especially links in unexpected emails!
We regret we're not seeking more volunteeers to test this beta.
We've also spoken recently about a wide variety of changes we're planning for the game, including game integrity work to help Support keep on top of cheats & bots, and also a proposal for redesigning Old School's death mechanics. We've had an abundance of feedback about these, some positive and some negative, and are taking a bit longer to trawl through it before confirming our next steps. You can imagine it takes some time to review literally tens of thousands of responses to the death mechanics survey! To help guide our decision on that point, we've got some extra tracking code going into the game to help us see just how much people are dying, and .
Finally, our sysadmins are preparing some heavy maintenance to our network and hardware at the various hosting facilities. This is going to require them to take numerous worlds offline for several hours at a time, doing different hosting sites on different days, starting later in April.
They'll post their schedule in advance, as it's confirmed, to help you plan your activities accordingly, and they'll give ample countdowns before the worlds go offline for the day. Please keep an eye out for announcements on our site.
And finally, we're pleased to reveal that the merch store offerings AngelsScapes have been restocked! You'll have to move fast, the Infernal cape and the Max cape in particular sold out at an incredible speed when we first launched the store back in February.
New items have also been added, with all three God variants of the Max cape, and a very special limited edition homage to Easter in the form of a Rubber chicken. There are only 99 Rubber chickens up for grabs, so make sure you check back for their launch!