4rsgold News:What affectionate of wilderness do you want


What affectionate of wilderness do you want?

1/ The wilderness changes aback to what it was afore the amend of 2011. There will still be some worlds with the accepted wilderness. Not ridiculously safe as Cheap RuneScape gold Revenants acknowledgment stronger than anytime application all action types with Eoc abilities(including both beginning and ultimate abilities). There will aswell be PvP worlds and/or wilderness worlds.

2/ Do nothing.

I don't anticipate it's a amount of implementing servers with the old action to rejuvenate rs3's wilderness.

IMO the acumen the wilderness is asleep is because there is annihilation in the wilderness to allure players. Warbands has been monopolised and doesn't appear generally enough, abysm runecrafting is not account it aback the runespan xp ante are far superior, Jagex absitively to accomplish a teleport to kbd, there are added rune rocks alfresco of the wilderness, the account goes on.

There has to be something account while to do in the wilderness. That's the alone way I see the wilderness advancing aback to it's above glory, if even slightly. The accepted amateur abject is not what it acclimated to be, a acceptable majority of rs3's players amusement this bold as a assignment rather than to accept fun.

Unfortunately I can't see annihilation appear with the wilderness for a while to come. Jagex seems to active befitting the 'lore' boyhood happy.
